Sweet Home 3D 1.6 Portable

Version 1.6, 18-2-2009
* Modified popup menus to display only enabled items.
* Added support of the importation of 3D models that need other files like texture images, even if these files aren't included in a ZIP file.
* Modified the reader of OBJ + MTL files ; caution, this change may have some side-effects on your existing homes, because the transparency factor of 3D objects read from OBJ files wasn't always correctly managed until now.
* Added support for the import with a double-click of SH3P files containing a Sweet Home 3D plug-in.
* Improved the stability of the on-line version of Sweet Home 3D.
* Fixed a bug that displayed incorrectly the print scale previously chosen by the user.
* Fixed a bug that prevented to display the tooltip of a piece of furniture of the catalog in the English version.
* Replaced JRE 6u11 by JRE 6u12 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
* Added Italian localization of help pages written by Simone Bufalino and re-read by Rosella Mariotti

Password: zwekan@crostuff.net